The second round of the online course is complete. I will now write up the results for publication.

The geographical location of participants on the course
A big thanks to all those who participated on my online course, which contributed towards my teaching qualification with Canterbury Christ Church Universtity. The essay has been submitted, marked and I'm now a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy!
There were 50 places for the second round of the course, which were quickly snapped up within six days! As can be seen in the pie chart above, the majority of participants were from the United Kingdom with Canada coming second. Of the 50 new participants, 25 completed the course and received a certificate. This is slightly down from the first group, where 27 participants completed the course. All the participants were archaeology undergraduate students and the average age was about 25.
I've a lot of additional data through free-text responses to work through and generate further changes / amendments / improvements to the online course. The results will be written up as a journal article for peer-review and then shared with all participants.